NK-O3 Blue Ballast System (or simply NK-O3 system)
NK BWTS have been being developed under Korean R&D
Programme with versatile types of systems to optimize the Systems for
the most effective, reliable and economic solutions to meet IMO
Guidance and legislative Requirements.
The NK BWTS consist of three types of system, i.e. Ozone
Disinfection Systems, Electrolysis with filter, Ultra Violet with
filter. Offers the effective and Reliable solution to the problem with
invasive marine species.
Features & Applications of NK BWTS
Status of Approval
The NK-O3 system received final approval from the international maritime Organization (IMO) according to the IMO G9 Procedure in July 2009, at the 59th meeting of the IMO marine environment Protection committee (MEPC).
The NK-O3 system received type approval from the Korean maritime administration (Ministry of land, transport and maritime affairs), according to the IMO G8 guidelines, in November 2009.
Sewage treatment plants (STP) bio marine ranges for
marine sector are vital as treated sewage should conform to effluent
guidelines laid by IMO, We provide package sewage treatment plants for
ships vessels, accommodation barges etc. The product range conforms to
IMO MEPC 159 (55) which is the latest resolution ships whose keels are
laid on or after 1 january 2010 must meet the new IMO MEPC 159 (55)
guidelines, which are more stringent than IMO MEPC 2 (VI).
With our expertise in extended aeration technology we deliver
to our client various solutions. We have built STP’S with capabilities
ranging from 25m3/day (Modular) up to 1000m3/day.
Main Features
Sea water containing high total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS) and bacteria cannot be used for clean water and drinking water. This water can be made usable by reducing the suspended solids, the total dissolved solids and bacteria to the recommended levels.
Conventionally multi stage evaporation or flash distillation is used to produce clean drinking water on ships and ocean going vessels. Doe to higher maintenance cost and downtime these are replaced by membrane based fresh water makers built with reverse osmosis technology.
Reverse osmosis is a process widely adopted to reduce total dissolved solids and bacteria by application of external pressure on the solution that contains higher concentration of dissolved ions, thus forcing water through the semi – permeable membrane in the opposite direction, leaving behind the dissolved ions and suspended solids. In this process, the water that passes through the membrane is commonly referred to as permeate (product water), and the water that remain behind the membrane along with the dissolved and suspended solids is referred to as the concentrate (reject water).
In these fresh water maker units, the suspended solids reduction is done by media filter followed by cartridge filter as pre-treatment before reverse osmosis. The bacteria and total dissolved solids reduction are accomplished by reverse osmosis (R.O). It is a skid mounted system.
The amount of pure water that can be produced depends on a number of factors:
The watermist system… the term itself specify, the micro particles of the water, this is the same as function of a water sprinkler/ spray system discharge water droplets is in millis..where in water mist system the droplets will be sized in microns, the efficiency of the water mist system proved much higher when comparing to conventional sprinkler system in both fire extinguishment and less water consumption. Our system Complies to latest IMO circulars
The water spray systems can also be used for cooling the upper decks of LNG / LPG carriers with water spray, and for fire extinction of engine room and pump room. By discharging water in the form of fine fog, the water spray systems secures excellent cooling and smothering effects on oil fires as well as ordinary fires, water spray system widely used as cooling system to prevent fire from overheating of surfaces.
Automatic sprinkler, a fire-extinguishing device installed in a convenience facility area or service area of ships like passenger ships or car ferries, is most effective for early stage of fire control operation. Mostly About 70% of fires can be initially controlled with less than three sprinkler heads. In normal management conditions, the pipe linked to the head of sprinkler is filled with water by the pressure of fresh water pressure tank, and if fire breaks out and the heat sensing element at the sprinkler head reaches a specific operating temperature (usually 72o C), the sprinkler head opens and the water discharges. If water flows through the sprinkler pipe and automatic alarm valve senses it while water is discharged from the sprinkler head, this automatic alarm valve in turn sends the alarm signal to fire alarm panel, and at the same time, the pressure within the pipe drops as the pressure switch of the fresh water pressure tank operates. And then pump motor is driven and water continues to be discharged from the sprinkler head until the fire is subdued.
Low inflation Foam fire-extinguishing equipment is a
fire-extinguishing device that covers the surface of the fire, and cuts
off the air supplied to the center of the fire to subdue it by
utilizing the suffocation and refrigeration effect, and this equipment
is particularly appropriate for fires by oil. Mostly installed as fire
extinguishing equipment on decks in tankers, oilers, Helideck etc this
system is additionally installed and used upon other fire extinguishing
equipments of engine area.
High inflation Foam fire extinguishing equipment, a fire
extinguishing device that refrigerates the surrounding, cuts off
oxygen, and controls the fire using inactive gas, etc that comes out of
Foam, is composed of Foam storage tank, fire extinguishing water pump,
Foam supplying and mixing device, pipe, Foam generator, and control
device, etc. Foam liquid, a multi-purpose 2% premixed liquid of Foam,
can subdue fires related to most of polar solvents with high inflation
fire extinguishing equipment. The quality of Foam may differ depending
on the fire scenario, combusted material, smoke type, and temperature,
Dry Chemical extinguishing systems are best suited for extinguishing flammable gas fires. LNG and LPG carriers are required to have the dry chemical extinguishing systems on their upper decks. Combined with hand-hose lines(a maximum hose length of 33 mm) and monitor nozzles arranged for loading stations, the system is capable of protecting the entire area of the upper deck of these vessels
Dry chemical extinguishing systems have also been installed on fireboats as part of twin agent system.
The external fire fighting system (fi-fi system), is fully
integrated with the vessel. Power source is very often the main engine
to utilize the vacant power during station keeping and maneuvering
during fire fighting operations. The power is transferred to the pumps
via remote operated clutch and necessary transmission.
On ships with fixed propellers, a dedicated diesel driver or
electrical or hydraulic driver may be used to avoid impact from ships
operation to the fi-fi system.
The pumps are normally located in the engine room below water
line for best possible performance via suction line design. They deliver
water to the discharge pipe going all the way up to the monitor on top
of the bridge or similar good position.
The water jet is created in the monitor outlet by pressing
water at optimum speed trough the special designed monitor nozzle.
The reaction force must be compensated by the vessel propulsion and maneuvering system for station keeping.
The system may also include self-protection deluge system
(Water Spray) with water taken from the fi-fi pumps and / or various
types of foam systems.
It is important to have the complete system operation in mind
during design process for optimum performance at minimum power
consumption and equipment cost.
FiFi I
The class notation FiFi I means that the vessel is to be
equipped with minimum 2 fire monitors, able to throw water to a minimum
distance of 120 meters from the vessel and to a height of minimum
45meters. The monitors are to be remote controlled from the wheelhouse.
Since the fire pumps and related equipment are located in the engine
room these are also normally remote controlled. FiFi I Systems are
normally installed on Escort tugs, Fire fighting vessels etc
The class notation FiFi II means that the vessel is to be
equipped with minimum 2 fire monitors, (DNV rules) able to throw water
to a minimum distance of 180 meters from the vessel and to a height of
minimum 110meters, or if other classification for the vessel (i.e. LRS,
ABS, R.I.N.A, BV, GL etc), the vessel is to be equipped with 3 or 4
fire monitors, able to throw water to a minimum distance of 150 meters
from the vessel and to a height of minimum 70meters. Whatever
configuration is chosen for the FiFi II vessel the total water capacity
shall be not less than 7200m3/h. The monitors are to be remote
controlled from the wheelhouse. Since the fire pumps and related
equipment are located in the engine room these are also normally remote
controlled. FiFi II Systems are normally installed on offshore vessels
like Anchor-handling tug/supply vessels, or other specialized vessels
The class notation FiFi III means that the vessel is to be equipped
with minimum 3 fire monitors, (DNV rules) able to throw water to a
minimum distance of 180 meters from the vessel and to a height of
minimum 110meters, or if other classification for the vessel (i.e. LRS,
ABS, R.I.N.A, BV, GL etc), the vessel is to be equipped with 4 fire
monitors, able to throw water to a minimum distance of 150 meters from
the vessel and to a height of minimum 70meters. Whatever configuration
is chosen for the FiFi II vessel the total water capacity shall be not
less than 9600m3/h. The monitors are to be remote controlled from the
wheelhouse. Since the fire pumps and related equipment are located in
the engine room these are also normally remote controlled. FiFi III
Systems are not so common, but are normally installed on larger offshore
vessels, or other specialized vessels
FM-200®, a trusted choice in waterless fire suppression, is now a member of the DuPont family of clean agent fire extinguishant systems. FM-200® systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they cause significant damage. That is the fastest fire protection available, period. When fire is extinguished this quickly, it means less damage, lower repair costs, and an extra margin of safety for people. It also means less downtime and disruption of business. FM-200® fire suppressant can be safely used where people are present.
Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is an environmentally
acceptable, people compatible, clean agent for vital facilities with a
wide range of hazards. 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid suppresses
the fire by removing the heat energy and interrupting the combustion
process. With extinguishment capabilities of 10 seconds or less,
3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid has the capability to extinguish
fires fast and effectively
We provide services such as designing, supply, installing, testing, inspecting, drawings and documentation of operating, or maintaining of FM 200/ NOVEC 1230 fire extinguishing systems, in order that such equipment will function as intended throughout its life.
Aerosol Fire Extinguisher System units are environmentally
friendly with zero ozone depletion and zero global warming potential,
they can present a very cost effective alternative to traditional gas
suppression systems with superior suppression performance, space and
weight savings, combined to the ease of installation. A self-contained
technology known as Condensed Aerosol fire suppression systems.
Installation of this automatic fire suppression system requires no pipe
work or nozzles and the aerosol fire extinguisher units are placed
directly on or in the risk being protected. The Potassium based
suppressant exhibits similar characteristics to the gases but unlike gas
the aerosol remains in suspension for up to an hour. The aerosol fire
extinguisher units are sized for volume protection and are extremely
compact, intensely efficient and cost effective to install. They are
particularly effective at protecting small process or plant hot spots,
machinery spaces or switch gear.
Aerosol Fire Extinguisher System units are environmentally
friendly with zero ozone depletion and zero global warming potential,
they can present a very cost effective alternative to traditional gas
suppression systems with superior suppression performance, space and
weight savings, combined to the ease of installation. A self-contained
technology known as Condensed Aerosol fire suppression systems.
Installation of this automatic fire suppression system requires no pipe
work or nozzles and the aerosol fire extinguisher units are placed
directly on or in the risk being protected. The Potassium based
suppressant exhibits similar characteristics to the gases but unlike gas
the aerosol remains in suspension for up to an hour. The aerosol fire
extinguisher units are sized for volume protection and are extremely
compact, intensely efficient and cost effective to install. They are
particularly effective at protecting small process or plant hot spots,
machinery spaces or switch gear.
As per SOLAS regulations, ships must now install a marine fire extinguisher system to protect the galley, in particular the fryers employed in the cook line. Any system used must meet the strict standard ISO 15371:2000 and type testing approvals for class. We provide marine galley fire suppression system offering high quality, reliability and a robust design to be able to withstand the demanding environment.